Monday, March 9, 2009

Marching On

March is here and as I keep telling my kids, we can't just fluff off...we need to keep marching on. When we look at this month we kind of cringe because we do not have any hope of a day off. Actually, the teachers have not had a day off since Christmas. So we are all beginning to get run down and sick. I have been sick for the past two weekends, not enough to call in sick, but enough to make me miserable. One of the days we had 6 teachers out at one time and they had talked about cancelling school. So yeah, we need stamina really bad and a moral booster would be nice.

However, we do have the hope of Samana Santa and Spring break...two weeks off in April!!!! I am planning to accompany the married couples on an eight day trip. We are going to see the ancient Copan Ruins (Mayan Ruins), do some other things in that area, visit a beach city called Tela (sp?), and maybe make our way into Guatemala. I am super excited for this trip. But I need to keep my focus on now and what is happening this day. Not just in the future.

As the school year is winding down I am really considering what the Lord has for me next year. I am not quite sure yet where he is leading me. I don't know if it is because I am running away or I am not listening or I am just fighting it. I have been debating staying here, but there are a few things that would keep me from doing that. So, as I am still trying to pray and determine the best path, I am applying to schools at home in California to see where that takes me. I am excited to come home in June and look forward to that trip home. Yet I am trying to remind myself to not get ahead of myself and to live in the moment. I don't want to miss any oportunity that I have with my kids or with people around me.

So I can really use your prayer for: strength and endurance, safty, dicernment, and the will to keep going today.

I hope to post more pictures for you all to see soon. In the meantime...

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