I had an incident w/ a couple of my boys the other day. One kicked the ground (at least that is what I could gather) and when he did that a rock, or something, flew up and struck one of my other boys in the head. This resulted in a cut head w/ quite a bit of blood. At the same time as that one of my other boys tried to tell me that he had diareha and that he needed to call his mom...lets just say that he stank. Forgot about poop pants while I took care of bleeding head and kick rock boy. Poor poop pants had to sit there for a class period and a half before he got another boy to remind me that he needed to call his mom. Poop pants doesn't really talk to me so I felt so bad that I forgot about him. All of the boys are okay, but it made for one great afternoon.
Anyways, this is just a quick note. It's late here so I will leave for now. Just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive. Also to post some pics of the other gringos. I hope to get some of my Honduran friends and co-workers soon.
(sorry for any misspelled words...it's late and spell check was not working =))
Here are some random pics. of the gringos in my life here...

David, Vanessa, Sam, and Kari
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