Monday, October 20, 2008

Funny Story

K, so I forgot to tell you about this funny story that happened last week.

Well, since we can't drink the water, we have to get purrified water. In our apartment we have two five gallong jugs to refill with water each time. One of the girls and myself walked down the street to get new jugs of water. On our way back to the apartment a guy came jogging (literally jogging) from accross the street and took the water from our hands and started carrying them for us - both 5 gallong jugs full of water. I thought he would just leave them at the gate for us, but as we had our roommates open the gate, he started carrying them in. Then he walked them up to our apartment on the second floor. Well, I guess we live more on the third floor since the first is the parking area. Anyways, he had to set one down on the stairs and would not let us take it. He insisted on carrying each one into our apartment. He even put one of them in on the water dispenser. We asked his name, but he wouldn't leave it. We also offered hims a little bit of money for helping us, but he said he was the type of person who helps without wanting or taking anything. He saw we needed help and helped. Then he literelly ran off.

Now, I don't consider him a knight in shining armor, not even close. But, it was great to see that chivalry still exists in the most random of places.


Natalie said...

Oh my, I LOVE this story! About how old did the guy look? Did he speak English well? Kindness is so beautiful!!!!

Tam-Tam said...

He was about our age and did not speak a lick of English.