Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So Sorry!!!!

Well, it is about time I posted something new. So sorry it has taken forever. I really do hate to write notes and letters and kept putting this off...and before I knew it I have been back in Honduras for just over a month!!!! Let me try to think back to what has happened since my return to the beautiful country of Honduras.

The day after I arrived...August 10th...there were some major protests over the interim government not allowing the ousted president back into the country and whatnot. Um...bus burning, restaurant burning, and the like. That actually took place a few blocks away from where we lived last year and just a few more away from where we live now. But that is the worst that has happened since we have been back. Every now and then there are protests/marches...but for the most part they are peaceful. We just know to stay away from crowds and soldiers and whatnot. On the whole, it is not that different here than it was last year. There is just more graffiti (every available wall) and a bit more protests than we had last year. It is not as bad as the news in the states makes it seem. Hondurans themselves are very peaceful people.

I hope to get some pics up here soon of the new house that the single girls are living in. By Honduran standards this house is a mansion...and let me just say it IS huge. It is a 3 story, 6 bedroom, and 4 bathroom house. Just big enough for us 6 girls. I do love having my own space. It makes all the difference from last year.

Well, school....lets see. It was great to go back to school and see teachers and kids that I have missed. August 13th was the first day of teacher orientation/training. That was a crazy time. Because of some issues that came up over the summer and right before school, they downsized the amount of sections for each grade they were going to offer. That meant that alot of teachers from last year did not have a job this year. It was sad to see some of them go. The school was hoping that there would have been more students by the start of school and so had not told those teachers before hand that they might not have a job. Don't understand their thinking in that, but it was amazing to me to see how some of the teachers handled it so gracefully.

Anyways, with the small drop in student enrollment and only 2 sections for each grade...last year there were 3 per grade...that ment that there would be more students in a class. However, as the year started more students enrolled late pushing the numbers up for some of the classes. So, I started my school year with 32 second graders with another coming in the second week of school. So at the moment I have 33 second graders. Oh, and most of my kids came from a 1st grade class that did not speak alot of English...so some of them are having a REALLY hard time understanding me and I them. In some ways it is more difficult this year...more students, low ability students, different discipline issues...but in other ways it is soooooooooo much easier this time around. I know what is expected of me and what material I am teaching. However...33 English as a second language students...33 kids who half of them are somewhat on the lower end of the scale...33 kids who still pretty much need individual attention. Lets just say it is stressful.

However, they have realized that in 2nd grade the students need to have more individualized attention...that they need to really have a chance to grasp the English...so they are going to make a 3rd section (1month after school started). I am so relieved about this decision. They were able to get another North American to come teach this other section...poor guy just got here yesterday! I am glad that I will be able to really focus on those students who need the help and to have a smaller number to manage. Although the drawback is that I am already attached to all 33 of my students. It was hard for me to suggest which kids I thought it would be okay to send to the other section. One in particular...this boy is 9 years old! If you know second grade they are 7 going on 8. This poor boy is 9 going on 10! He is so much taller than the other kids and I feel for him. But I have another student that would benefit more from me being his teacher and I can't have them both in the same class. it's to much...so I decided it would be best for this 9 year old to go to the other section. Hard. I was really looking forward to working with him this year...but I know this other teacher will also be good for him. He might even respond better to a male teacher. Anyways...that is happening this next week. I am not looking forward to the tears and the angry parents. But as things calm down it will be for the better.

Well, this week we have most of it off for Independence Holiday. Nice time!!!! Today some of the other teachers and myself went with the missionary we are under to a country club. It was just a great time sitting around a pool relaxing. Thursday and Friday they cancelled school for the kids so that we can clean the school. Most of the bilingual schools in Tegucigalpa are closed for a bit a time to help prevent the Swine Flu. It is crazy how much people here are freaking out about it!!! Kinda funny too. Even though the kids have it off us teachers need to show up to help clean the school. Thursday is Teacher Day...so lets celebrate our teachers by making them clean!!!!!! Yay!!!

That is pretty much this past month. I will try to remain more faithful in my posts and I will try to get some pics up about what I talked about in this post. My computer is acting up right now so I don't know how soon I will be able to get pics, but I will do it A.S.A.P.

Love to all!!!!