Well, it has been one month since I have arrived in Honduras. At times it feels as though I have been here for a long time, at other times it feels like a very short time. It has been a time of excitement, frustration, awe, and learning all wrapped into one package. Excitement for the new things I am seeing and culture that I am expeirencing. Frustration at the barrier of communication in my classroom and the effort it takes to understand what is expected of me. Awe at the things God is showing me.
I can't quite say that I love it here. I do like it, but not love it. That will come in time.
School has been quite a struggle. There are many things the administration expects us as teachers to do and provide, and it has been hard to get these things figured out. Some of it was explained to us, but because of translation, it can be hard to understand. Other things were not explained, so it feels as though I have been going through these past weeks by the scruff of my neck to get things done and figured out. I finally feel as though I am beginning to get those things smothed out. Then there is my class. I have 20 students - 11 girls and 9 boys. The first week was really difficult for me. I can not speak a lick of spanish, so when these kids are not understanding what I am saying or want to know how to say something in English, I can not help them a single bit. I keep hearing how this is a good thing because the students will learn English better, but it doesn't make this time any easier. Slowly things are getting a little better, but there is still that barrier. For the most part I feel that most of the kids can comprehend what I am saying. Although, there are a couple that I am not sure about. The first week, it was hard to get a response out of the students, they would just sit there and stare at you. Now, it is a little easier to get their participation, but there are still moments when you may be able to hear a cricket chirp.
I am trying to figure out the best way to get the material I am teaching across to them. Some of it is not relivant to their world, so I have to tweek it a little. With other subjects it is hard to change to their understanding. I am praying that this part will also get better as the weeks go on.
I am still having a hard time in the Church services at CEAD. There are times when I am able to participate in what is going on, but for the most part I am just an observer. I thank God that there is an English service at a different church that I go to. I don't know what I would have done without this connection. It has been great to have this outlet and time to be able to join in corprate worship.
Well, that is all for now. I will try to post something more regularly and tell more about the people.